Green Film Company is a New York-based producer of film and television. Chris Romano and Dan O'Meara formed the company in early 2007, combining their years of experience in independent film production, financing, and sales. In 2008, Chad Troutwine joined the company as a partner bringing to the team a wealth of experience in film production, finance, and business development.
The company's first project By The People: The Election of Barack Obama was co-produced with Edward Norton's Class 5 Films, and picked up by HBO Documentary Films, BBC and Sony Pictures Worldwide. The company's current projects Freakonomics and Gerymandering will premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival followed by their theatrical release during 2010.
Green Film Company welcomes co-production opportunities and can provide complete production, post-production supervision and editorial facilities to select projects. GFC is backed by private equity financing and is developing film and television projects, both narrative and non-fiction, with some of most respected writers and filmmakers in the business.
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